Sherie Swiess Dodsworth - President
Alondra Valdez Klemek - Secretary and Treasurer
Angela Graham
Hans Haselbach
Wendy Steel
What is a firewise community?
The national Firewise USA® recognition program provides a collaborative framework to help neighbors in a geographic area get organized, find direction, and take action to increase the ignition resistance of their homes and community and to reduce wildfire risks at the local level. Any community that meets a set of voluntary criteria on an annual basis and retains an “In Good Standing Status” may identify itself as being a Firewise® Site.
How we help our community:
Robles Firewise promotes effective fire safety by informing those in the community interested in wildfire preparedness and vegetation fuels management
We develop educational programs to reduce the risk and hazard associated with wildfires
We sponsor educational programs for local residents to reduce the risk of wildfires
We coordinate vegetation reduction projects through the “Robles adopt a Roadway program” “Chipper Days” and other sources
We develop, support, and promote Firewise USA recognized communities
We offer Senior citizen, handicapped and financially burdened volunteer assistance projects
The members of the Robles Firewise group who have created this website are not liable for any use of the information found within its contents. This is strictly an informational website, it is always best to consult with fire safety professionals. For verification or validity of information or any utilization, please contact your local, regional or national fire departments or associations or a local contractor.